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If you would like to purchase additional rights please email info@risk.netWe are extremely happy to share with you that Chapelle received from SME News the award “Best Risk Management Advisory & Training Firm – Europe”, at UK Finance Awards 2020!
We are thrilled to share with you that Chapelle received from SME News the award “Best Risk Management Advisory & Training Firm – Europe”, at UK Finance Awards 2020!
Below you will find some extracts from the announcement interview for SME News:
'Specialising in risk management brings plenty of competition to the table for Chapelle Consulting. However, thanks to its values and training capabilities, the firm has been able to differentiate itself from the rest and rise to the forefront of the industry.
“At Chapelle Consulting, we cater and adapt to our clients’ needs through total flexibility, while ensuring our advice is of exceptional quality and our pricing fair”, Ariane explains. “As a firm and an employer, the “Chapelle spirit” of honesty, kindness, hard work, entrepreneurship, and fun has allowed us to develop the business and exceed our clients’ expectations. By combining our operational risk and enterprise risk management expertise, we deliver top-class executive training courses, consulting services, and coaching programmes. The audience of our tailored training programmes ranges from the board of directors to staff at all levels, including risk specialists, auditors, and supervisors.”
“In risk management practice, the pandemic has re-emphasised the importance of scenario analysis and the assessment of interconnections between risks, stress-testing, and the necessity to identify early trends and emerging risks. The financial industry has demonstrated exceptional resilience in the wake of COVID-19 and should be praised for that. Much is, however, still to be strengthened at all levels, and learnings from the past year should be built upon to fully utilise opportunities while continuing to mitigate key risks.”
Bringing the interview to a close, Ariane signs off by sharing her thoughts with us on Chapelle Consulting being awarded Best Risk Management Advisory & Training Firm – Europe before revealing some of the exciting plans the firm has in store for 2021 and beyond.
“We are very grateful to SME News for this award. Looking back at our achievements so far and ahead at another year of expansion in 2021, receiving this wonderful recognition feels extremely rewarding. Moving forward, we plan to continue putting our values and expertise at the forefront of our service provision to support our clients’ needs as they navigate emerging risks and opportunities. More outreach is in the pipeline by furthering our service provision in more specific areas such as climate risks and operational resilience, a new certification programme in operational risk management, developing coaching and peer benchmarking services to keep catering to stakeholders’ needs across sectors".
Finance Awards 2020, SME news, 23 February 2021
Read the full article in SME News winners' booklet HERE