Nicolas Renard June 24, 2020

Book of the Year-ORM Best Practices in the Financial Services Industry

In 2017, Ariane Chapelle told an audience of sceptical financial professionals at a conference in Vienna that operational risk would in time become a greater source of concern for the financial industry than credit risk and market risk. Three years later, perhaps sooner than first imagined, she believes that moment has arrived. “Back then, I said that credit risk and market risk are not the most threatening risks for the banks, because they understand them well, which is less the case for operational risk. Now, three years down the line, it is almost indisputable that operational risk has the lion’s share of attention,” she says.

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In 2017, Ariane Chapelle told an audience of sceptical financial professionals at a conference in Vienna that operational risk would in time become a greater source of concern for the financial industry than credit risk and market risk. Three years later, perhaps sooner than first imagined, she believes that moment has arrived.

"In 2017, Ariane Chapelle told an audience of sceptical financial professionals at a conference in Vienna that operational risk would in time become a greater source of concern for the financial industry than credit risk and market risk. Three years later, perhaps sooner than first imagined, she believes that moment has arrived.

“Back then, I said that credit risk and market risk are not the most threatening risks for the banks, because they understand them well, which is less the case for operational risk. Now, three years down the line, it is almost indisputable that operational risk has the lion’s share of attention,” she says.

The Belgian-born academic has become one of the foremost practitioners in the market, helping drive good op risk management to the top of the agenda for a roster of clients including many of the world’s largest banks. Her book Operational risk management – best practices in the financial services industry has been praised for furthering this message with clarity and good sense, and has been adjudged’s Operational risk book of the year..."-, 24 June 2020

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