Nicolas Renard November 4, 2020

The 7 dimensions of Risk Culture

How important is Human Capital in Risk Management?

This is the question addressed by Amédée Prouvost, Chief Operational Risk Officer at the World Bank, in an exclusive webinar we organised on 29th of October 2020 to celebrate the 1st Anniversary of Chapelle Belgium.

In this webinar, Amédée Prouvost embarks us “on a journey from Risk Governance to Risk Culture”, in his own terms, presenting his practical experience and perspectives on 7 key dimensions which enabled to foster a healthy Risk Culture at the World Bank:

  1. Authority
  2. Diversity
  3. Vigilance
  4. Transparency
  5. Accountability
  6. Adaptability
  7. Integration

Discover what each dimension covers by watching the replay of this webinar, or contact us for additional details.



Webinar agenda:

00:00 – Start of webinar by Ariane Chapelle

03:40 – Introduction of Speaker by Ariane Chapelle

06:00 – Presentation by Amédée Prouvost: Human Capital in Risk Management

29:30 – Questions & Answers