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Dr Ariane Chapelle

Dr Ariane Chapelle
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Watch: A framework for Emerging Risks

Two minutes to present a framework to categorise emerging risks.

Watch: Gestion des risques positive (French)

Un extrait du Webinaire organisé par Pearson en Avril 2020, avec Ariane Chapelle. Comment positionner le risque de facon positive, et gagner des adeptes.

Say “THANK YOU”… In Risk Management As Well

Did your mother teach you to say “Please” and “Thank you”? She surely did and the lesson is valid for second line risk managers as well; a polite gesture that..

Outstanding Achievement of the Year: Chapelle Consulting

Chapelle Consulting is a significant contributor to the evolution of operational risk practices.

Reflections on Operational Risk Management

This book is a collection of 28 columns and articles, spanning more than five years. From the fundamentals of operational risk frameworks to risk capital, they..

GRO: guide des meilleures pratiques en banque et assurance (2020)

Le guide officiel des meilleures pratiques de gestion du risque opérationnel Le livre Gestion des risques opérationnels renferme les informations les plus..

Operational Risk Management Financial Services Industry Best Practices

Ariane Chapelle - Wiley, 2019 Operational Risk Management offers a comprehensive guide that contains a review of the most up-to-date and effective operational..

How To Run a Successful Training Course

I am teaching for 25 years, it’s my job and I love it. Is teaching difficult? Possibly. Less so if you like it, impossible if you hate it. Is it tiring?..